Why are My Hoya leaves turning yellow – Leaflearns (2024)

Hoya leaves turning yellow might be because of many reasons. Overwatering is one of the most common causes of this deficiency since it leads to root rot and uptake imbalances. Alternatively, inadequate watering can cause the plant to become dehydrated, lacking in essential moisture and nutrients. Nitrogen, potassium, or iron deficiency in plants may strip their leaves to a yellow color.

Hoya leaves turning yellow

Moreover, excessive fertilization may result in the misbalancing of nutrients and the building up of salts in the soil thereby contributing to foliage discoloration. Insufficient light exposure can mess up photosynthesis, and bugs and diseases among others could drain the plant’s vigor. Extreme temperature, stress, and transplant shock are the other factors causing leaf yellowing.

Causes of Hoya leaves turning yellow


One of the most frequent causes of Hoya leaves turning yellowing is overwatering. Root rot and nutritional imbalances result from the roots’ inability to obtain the oxygen they require when they are continuously seated in soggy soil.

How to Fix It: Use a potting mix that drains effectively to guarantee appropriate drainage and let the soil dry out in between waterings. If the plant has to be repotted, trim off any mushy or charred roots.


Conversely, Hoya leaves turning yellow can also result from underwatering. Lack of water can make it difficult for the plant to absorb vital nutrients, which can cause withering and browning of the leaves.

How to Fix It: Make sure to water the soil regularly to keep it uniformly wet but not soggy. Keep an eye on the plant’s water requirements about external elements like humidity and temperature.

Nutrient Deficiency

When Hoya plants are deficient in vital nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, or iron, it might show up as yellowing leaves. Inadequate fertilization or poor soil quality might result in nutrient shortages.

How to Fix It: To supply the nutrients your houseplants need, use a balanced fertilizer designed specifically for them. To find out about any particular deficiencies in your soil, think about doing a soil test and modifying your fertilization schedule accordingly.


Although fertilizer is necessary for plants to develop, applying too much of it can have negative consequences, such as fading leaves. Overfertilization can result in nutritional imbalances and soil salinity accumulation, which can be hazardous.

How to Fix It: To remove excess salts from the soil, flush it with water. Wait to fertilize until the plant has healed. Observe the suggested dosage and frequency instructions listed on the packaging of the fertilizer.

Too Little Light

Bright, indirect light is ideal for hoya plants to grow in, while too little light exposure might cause the Hoya leaves turning yellow. A plant’s general health may be impacted by photosynthesis being disrupted by inadequate light.

How to Fix It: Transfer the plant to an area that receives indirect sunlight and is brighter, like next to a window that faces north or east. Keep it out of direct sunlight to prevent sunburn and harm to the leaves.

Pests and Insects

The sap of Hoya plants can be consumed by pests such as mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites, which can result in yellowing leaves, twisted growth, and obvious damage.

How to Fix It: Regularly check the plant for indications of pest infestation, such as visible insects, sticky residue, or webbing. Apply chemical or natural pesticides to affected plants, making sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.


Hoya Leaves turning yellow can also be caused by bacterial and fungal infections. Powdery mildew, leaf spot, and root rot are common illnesses that, if left untreated, can spread quickly.

How to Fix It: To stop the illness from spreading, remove the afflicted leaves and keep the plant alone. To lower humidity levels, increase airflow around the plant and refrain from watering it from above. Use bactericides or fungicides as necessary to contain the illness.

Root Rot

Overwatering or poorly drained soil can induce root rot, which can cause wilting, hoya leaves turning yellow, and ultimately plant death. The plant struggles to absorb water and nutrients when its roots are mushy and discolored.

How to Fix It: After cutting off any damaged roots, plant the plant again in new soil that drains well. Modify your watering schedule to avoid overwatering the soil and give the roots time to heal.


Severe weather, particularly sharp drops in temperature or drafts, can stress Hoya plants and result in hoya leaves turning yellow. Hoya plants are sensitive to temperature extremes and appreciate warm, steady weather.

How to Fix It: Keep the plant in a constant temperature range of 60–80°F (15–27°C) and shield it from drafts. Keep the plant away from draughty windows, air conditioners, and heaters.

Stress and Drafts

Stressful circumstances, such as abrupt shifts in temperature, humidity, or light intensity, can cause Hoya leaves turning yellow. Stress symptoms can also be made worse by being in hot, dry air or being exposed to chilly breezes.

How to Fix It: Establish a steady environment for the plant by ensuring that it receives the same amount of light, heat, and humidity. Reduce the amount of time the plant is exposed to drafts and shield it from temperature changes.

Transplant Shock

Hoya plants may experience temporary stress during transplanting, which might result in leaf loss or yellowing. When a plant’s roots are disturbed, it might experience transplant shock, which impairs its capacity to absorb nutrients and water.

How to Fix It: Reduce transplant shock by treating the plant’s roots with care and giving it the proper after-transplant care. Until the plant has been accustomed to its new pot, keep it in a steady atmosphere and don’t overwater it.

Old Leaves

Hoya plants naturally lose their older leaves as they become older and turn yellow. This procedure aids in rerouting resources towards new development and is a component of the plant’s growth cycle.

How to Fix It: If necessary, trim away yellowing leaves to preserve the plant’s look and promote new development. Check the plant’s general health to make sure yellowing leaves don’t signal any underlying problems.

Hoya leaves turning yellow

Incorrect Growing Medium or Soil

Your Hoya plant’s health may be impacted by using the incorrect kind of soil or growth media, which might result in yellowing leaves. Compacted or poorly draining soil can choke roots and prevent them from absorbing nutrients.

How to Fix It: Use a potting mix that drains well and is designed especially for succulents or epiphytic plants when you repot the plant. Make sure there is enough aeration and moisture retention in the new growing medium to support strong root development.

Understanding the Importance of Addressing Yellowing Hoya Plant Leaves

When it comes to caring for hoya plants, understanding the reasons behind their leaves turning yellow is crucial. Various factors contribute to this issue, from overwatering to inadequate light or nutrient deficiencies.

Observing symptoms such as yellowing and browning of hoya leaves, especially when they start falling off, prompts questions like, “Why are my hoya plant leaves turning yellow?” or “Why are my hoya carnosa leaves turning yellow?”

These queries highlight the importance of proper care, including providing sufficient sunlight, maintaining appropriate watering practices, and addressing any nutrient imbalances.

Additionally, general plant care principles apply, such as recognizing yellow leaves as a sign of stress and considering treatments like adjusting the watering frequency or fertilizing appropriately to promote healthy foliage. By addressing these concerns and understanding the nuances of hoya plant care, enthusiasts can ensure their plants thrive and maintain their vibrant greenery.

Final Thoughts 

In conclusion, preemptive action and close monitoring are needed to manage yellowing Hoya leaves. You may take specific actions to restore your plant’s health by knowing the underlying reasons, which may include environmental stresses, nutritional shortages, or overwatering.

Don’t forget to provide ideal growing conditions, modify your fertilization and watering schedule as necessary, and take quick action to get rid of any pests or illnesses.

Your Hoya plant can recover and show off its brilliant green leaves once more with time and careful attention to detail.


What to do when Hoya leaves turn yellow?

It’s critical to determine the underlying reason of yellowing Hoya leaves, which may include pests, nutritional deficits, or over watering. To restore the plant’s health, make necessary adjustments to watering schedules, ensure drainage and light exposure are adequate, deal with nutritional imbalances, and treat any pests or illnesses.

How often should you water a Hoya plant?

Between waterings, hoya plants tend to become somewhat dry. Water well as soon as the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, which is usually every one to two weeks, depending on the weather. Depending on variables like temperature, humidity, and light levels, alter the frequency of watering.

How do you treat yellow leaves on plants?

To treat yellow leaves on plants, the underlying reason must be found and addressed. To encourage healthy leaf development, make necessary adjustments to lighting, fertilization, and watering schedules, correct nutritional shortages, manage pests and diseases, and provide ideal growing conditions.

Should I cut off damaged Hoya leaves?

In order to maintain the general health and aesthetic appeal of the plant, it is advised to remove any damaged Hoya leaves. Using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears, trim any yellow or brown leaves back to the main branch or stem. Get rid of any withering or dead leaves to promote fresh development.

Can yellow Hoya leaves turn green again?

Yellow Hoya leaves may revert to green if the underlying problem that is producing the discoloration is quickly resolved. New, healthy leaf development may be encouraged by offering ideal growing conditions, eliminating any pests or diseases, and correcting hydration and nutritional deficits.

Why are my Hoya leaves falling off?

Numerous things, such as overwatering, underwatering, temperature stress, transplant shock, pests, diseases, or environmental changes, can cause hoya leaves to fall off. To stop more leaf drop, evaluate the developing environment of the plant, deal with any problems, and provide it regular attention.

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